Protein Recycling

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Protein Recycling

Molecular and cell biology have made it possible to explain the structural and functional basis of the cell's regulatory mechanisms, and there is a protein complex that is present in all cells and is called the proteasoma.

What is the proteasome?

It is a large protein complex whose function is to destroy damaged proteins, part of an invading virus or that are no longer needed, so it is known as "the protein recycler".

How does protein destruction take place?

In order for a protein to be degraded (destroyed) in the proteasome, it must be selectively tagged with another protein called ubiquitinawhich is present in all eukaryotic cells, i.e., from yeast to human beings, and whose name is given because it is a ubiquitous protein and also one of the best conserved among species.

Once a protein enters this ubiquitin-proteasome pathway it is directed to the proteasome where it will be cleaved into small peptides (small proteins) and these peptides can undergo the action of aminopeptidases that generate free amino acids that will become part of the amino acid pool to form new proteins.

Protein Data Bank Portal

If you are interested in reading more about it you can consult the following review article or the Protein Data Bank portal that documents information on the proteasome complex.

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